Original url from startup of the application Note: Collboard normalizes URL and this method is a way how to get the original query params and other things in the URL
Promise which is resolved when the system is initialized and ready to use.
Is this object destroyed?
Checks if the system is initialized and ready to use.
Binds new registration with itself. This registration/destroyable will be destroyed with this.
Checks if the system is initialized and ready to use. If not, throws an error. If it is, do nothing.
Checks, whether the object is not destroyed
Message that will replace default one before error
Callback runed before error is thrown; typically this can be some logging
TODO: !! Use this in all places
TODO: Make this save to history and check that is is working together with urlVariabiles in routingSystem
Chcek whether the given object is destroyable
RoutingSystem provides for core, other systems and modules registration of routes and hashtag routes.
https://github.com/collboard/collboard/issues/97 TODO: What about #hash routes